
Tonks & Kimble

A high-powered real estate investment firm that also specializes in mergers & acquisitions, Tonks & Kimble™ brings commercial-grade real estate opportunities to everyday investors by partnering investors to acquire large properties. With an impressive cashflow return and partners with significant real estate and investing experience, Tonks & Kimble™ is not only one of our favorite portfolio pieces, it’s also one of our highest recommendations for real estate investment.

For Tonks & Kimble™, Emberly created not only the website, but the entire logo and brand aesthetic. The Tonks & Kimble™ brand embodies a sense of affluence and professionalism. The brand is designed equally to inspire prospects and clients to imagine “what if”, while at the same time grounding the brand in enough professionalism that this imagination feels realistic and safe. The Tonks & Kimble™ logo is designed to convey stability with a nearly regal, luxurious brand quality. At the same time, it is meant to communicate ambition and drive. The logo is sans-serif, but the cutout elements and one serif add a touch of class.

The new website features a property portfolio, with metadata for each investment property, as well as intake forms for potential investors. The website’s unique design lends itself to a unique, professional look.

We’re excited to continue working with Tonks & Kimble™ on their web and marketing presence, as well as with our own real estate investments, as we go into the future!
